DMPU Lightbox
MPU: 300px x 600px
Expanded: 960px X 640px x
- Muted animation on the pre-expand
- Once expanded Videos, Imagery, Carousels and games are available
- Video – Max 15 sec
- Video is muted by default
- Less than 15 sec for animation
- Recommended Text: 125 characters
- Multiple CTAs
- Layered PSD
- High-res logo
- Fonts (otf or ttf)
- Brand Guidelines
- Any Associated campaigns imagery
- Videos in .mov or .mp4. 16:9 preferred
DMPU Lightbox
MPU: 300px x 600px
Expanded: 960px X 640px x
- Muted animation on the pre-expand
- Once expanded Videos, Imagery, Carousels and games are available
- Video – Max 15 sec
- Video is muted by default
- Less than 15 sec for animation
- Recommended Text: 125 characters
- Multiple CTAs
- Layered PSD
- High-res logo
- Fonts (otf or ttf)
- Brand Guidelines
- Any Associated campaigns imagery
- Videos in .mov or .mp4. 16:9 preferred