1920px X 1080
- Videos in .mov or .mp4
- Video length – 15s or 30s
- Impression 1×1 pixel
- Click tracker
- Any additional third party pixels
- Brand Safety Verification partner pixel (if client tracking desired)
- VAST 2,3 and 4 accepted
- 3rd party creatives can have a file size of up to 10MB
- 1st party (Captify hosted) can have a file size of up to 1GB
- The creative must be able to click through to the landing page (Click-through URL)Creative must not contain Flash-based pixels
- All creatives will be scanned for 3rd party pixels to ensure GDPR compliance
Click here for GDPR information regarding 3rd party pixels and our technical requirements
1920px X 1080
- Imagery
- Video – Max 15 sec
- Video is muted by default
- Less than 15 sec for animation
- Recommended Text: 125 characters
- Videos in .mov or .mp4
- VAST 2.0
- 3rd party creatives can have a file size of up to 10MB
- 1st party (Captify hosted) can have a file size of up to 1GB
- The creative must be able to click through to the landing page (Click-through URL)Creative must not contain Flash-based pixels
- All creatives will be scanned for 3rd party pixels to ensure GDPR compliance
Click here for GDPR information regarding 3rd party pixels and our technical requirements